Breathe Cambridge

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Putting the finishing touches on our installation...time to Breathe!

Today we spent a good 8 hours (going on 9 now) putting the finishing touches on the Breathe Cambridge sound art installation. To be accurate it is more of a multimedia installation; we've painted walls, sewed pillows, constructed tables, and edited video for the space. In a space with no direct windows to the outdoors we have somehow managed to let the sky inside, inching closer to the fantasy of lounging on a cloud without the bottom falling out from beneath. The youth from Breathe weren't present but the teaching artists that led them through the process were on hand to make sure everything came together harmoniously.  We have things (a surprise for those who come and visit the space!) hanging from the ceiling, wet words on the walls and I've got a (relatively) portable recording studio setup here to finish up the sound portion of this multimedia piece. Bo Lembo, Shea Pilsbury, Carly Inkpen, Chris, Karin and I all pitched in to make this space into the transcendent experience we aim for.  The spirit of the youth artists is all around us as we finalize the space for our opening reception this Tuesday.  Find the facebook invite here. - M.J.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This sounds like an amazing experience for all artists, student and teachers! I can't wait to experience "Breathe Cambridge!"
    -Emma Donoghue
